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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

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The Language Center’s general goal is to help those who are interested in improving overall language proficiency. Our ESL Program is divided into two disciplines: Comprehension (Reading/Listening) and Expression (Writing/Speaking). There are four levels of study in each discipline, including Low Beginner, High Beginner, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate levels. Each class includes lab hours. Students can also attend grammar seminars, work in the computer lab and attend conversation group sessions.

With over 18 years of experience, development and innovation in teaching foreign languages, Langerba is one of the most reputable language centers in New York, the most beautiful city in the world.

With over 18 years of experience, development and innovation in teaching foreign languages, Langerba is one of the most reputable language centers in New York, the most beautiful city in the world.

Our Language Center is internationally recognized as a top quality school, being one of only five English language centers in our city that are accredited by IALC.

Other accreditations include NEAS, EA and ASQA.

With over 18 years of experience, development and innovation in teaching foreign languages, Langerba is one of the most reputable language centers in New York, the most beautiful city in the world. Our Language Center is internationally recognized as a top quality school, being one of only five English language centers in our city that are accredited by IALC. Other accreditations include NEAS, EA and ASQA.

Wir bieten in unserem Institut laufend Unterricht in Altgriechisch an. Die Kurse sind für Neuanfänger, Wiederholer oder als
Nachhilfe für Schüler gedacht. Sie finden das ganze Jahr über statt und werden als Einzelunterricht oder in Kleingruppen angeboten:
  • Beginn: laufend
  • Gruppe: einzeln oder Kleingruppe (3-5 Personen)
  • Stunden: 65 Minuten mit  kurzer Pause. Flexibel oder als Block (5/10/20)
  • Zeit: vorraussichtlich Donnerstag; Rücksprache erbeten
  • Ort: Augasse 11, 1090 Wien, EG, Studio 5.
  • Anmeldung: 1 bis 2 Wochen im Voraus
  • PREIS: Einzelstunde 30 €,
               Block à 5h = 140€  / 10h = 270€  / 20h = 460 €
NTENSIVKURS ALTGRIECHISCH: Wiederholung für Schüler, 1. Lernjahr
  • Beginn: Herbst: 19/11/19
  • Gruppe: 3-5 Personen
  • Stunden: UE 12 (6x 120 Min)
  • Zeit: Mittwoch 18:00- 20:00
  • Ort: Augasse 11, 1090 Wien, EG, Studio 5.
  • Anmeldung: bis 3 Tage vor dem Beginn möglich
  • PREIS: EUR 240 (inkl. Übungsmaterial)